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Quality assurance on every project is of utmost importance in all of KSSL’s operations.

From tender enquiry through design, fabrication and erection we employ a quality system designed to ensure complete satisfaction for the client. Kiernan Structural Steel Ltd is accredited to ISO 9001 for quality management and have a certified Factory Production Control  (FPC) to Execution Class 4 to EN 1090 and welding Quality Management System (WQMS) which enables  the company to CE mark all our products.

KSSL are a registered BCSA company and are on the RQSC (Register of Qualified Steelworker Contractors Scheme) This provides extra confidence to clients and consultant’s alike.

KSSL has a strong policy of continuous assessment and improvement and we thrive to improve on every project.

Quality Declaration of Performance
EC Certificate of Factory Production Control (FPC)
Welding Certificate